Sunday, October 24, 2010

The importance of being...

Honest and humble.

I've been thinking about this lately, with respect to many areas of life. An easy example is losing weight. There are a million and one excuses people use, such as:

"well, I eat way less than these skinny people so there's nothing I can do."


"I could if I wanted to."


"I don't have time."

and any number of other "reasons." But there aren't reasons. They are excuses. They are shifting the blame. They are denying a problem. They make you a victim of circumstance.

My excuse, for example, was something along the lines of, "I know how to eat healthy, I just need to do it."

Which is almost true.

Then I realized where step two comes in, which is admitting I can't do it on my own. This is very hard for some people. Admitting that we can't do it on our own doesn't make us bad, stupid, or lazy people. It just makes us people. And people need help sometimes. And luckily, I stumbled across Weight Watchers. Now I have something to help me, and it's working.

I now understand the concept of admitting a problem, and, more importantly, accepting responsibility for that problem. I am the way I am because of choices I have made throughout my life. I didn't choose my circumstances, but I reacted to them in ways that were completely my choice. And now I am who I am, still by the choices I make every day. I think until people accept this, they can't change. Why change if you think your life is controlled by someone or something else?

Then, having the humility to admit we need help. Which is just admitting we aren't perfect, and aren't we taught that humans aren't perfect from day one? This help can come from anyone or anything: a friend, a program, a counselor, God...the possibilities are as endless as you want them to be. Yet we take such pride in being self-reliant, self-sufficient. Why, though? Is any person in this world completely self-reliant? And why should someone want to be? We have the resources at our fingertips. But we just have to ask.

Like our pal Adam here. All he had to do was lift a finger.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


After weeks of I go.

So I'm in Boston. Obviously. Enjoying Boco. Enjoying viola. Today was an especially good viola day because I got new strings, which are helping a lot with response and articulation, which has been pissing me off lately (cause my strings were old...)

I love my apartment. I have a really big room with wood floors which is nice for practicing. Luckily I can do almost all of my practicing at home. I really hate practicing at school. First of all, finding a free room can be a challenge. I don't feel like it's private cause there are little windows that people always look in. Also, I somehow always end up next to a musical theater singer which is never fun.

In other news, I started Weight Watchers 5 weeks ago and have since lost 10 pounds. Woo hoo! It's actually a really easy program for me, just monitoring how much food I eat. Probably all of the walking I do here helps too.

It's pretty interesting to see the season change here. It's not that different from Tallahassee except that it is happening now and not in December.

I'm starting to make some friends, but I don't really hang out much. I'm fine with that. I have a competition this Sunday so maybe after that I'll have more time.

Well, there you go. I'll try to update with things of substance from now on.