Monday, May 16, 2011

At what point did I become lame?

I've been sitting around the house for two weeks. I have a hard time remembering what day it is. I alternate playing Sims and watching The O.C. My room is a complete mess. All of my clothes are dirty. I can't practice because I hurt my deltoid at an exercise class. Because it actually required moving, and apparently my body was not ok with that.

When did I lose my desire to do things? Is this what getting old is? Or am I just super lazy?

I guess it's a good sign that I have realized how lame I am. And I want to change. Which is a small step. Getting out of a lazy rut is really hard. But I think I can do it. Just now right now.


  1. I think it's the post-school-year funk, or something. I've been sitting around for about two weeks. I do teach all my students, but aside from that I spend my mornings sitting on the couch with my laptop, looking at house-inspiration pictures. Actually, I would totally be playing Sims if I had it. Here's some inspiration for you: this Saturday you should go yard-saleing! It's the BEST part of spring/summer.

  2. I love yard sales! hopefully the rain won't make all of them get cancelled :-(

  3. To answer the question put forth in your title - from birth


    I know what you mean though. Make a schedule that keeps you busy with things you can't back out of. I have a horrible schedule here with only one day off but there's nothing I can do about it now so I just have to be busy and productive.
