Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting out of the rut

My room is finally clean. And not fake clean; I actually went through everything and organized and didn't let myself just pile things into crap drawers. I got some new storage pieces but I'm already packed to the brim. But that isn't a problem.....yet.

This rain is killing me. It's not even cool rain, like a tropical storm. It's gloomy drizzle, and it's been non-stop for days. No wonder people are grumpy here.

I think cleaning my room is always a big step to upping my productivity- I mean, it already got me to blog about it!

But seriously, life is much easier when you aren't tip-toeing around your room to avoid crap and when it doesn't take an hour to find anything. Phase two of this rut-getting-out-of will be getting back into a practice routine. And then regular gym-ing. And then starting some projects- learning to read German and familiarizing myself with the standard quartet repertoire that I'll be coaching this summer. Blah.

This month has really flown by. I'm kind of disappointed about that. But maybe I really did need the break. And all I can do now is look forward.

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